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The European Transplantation and Innovation consortium for risk stratification in kidney transplant patients


End stage renal diseases affect more than 3,900,000 patients worldwide with approximately 6% growth rate in 2016.

Kidney transplantation is currently the best therapeutic option with around 1,500,000 patients living with a kidney transplant. However, long-term graft survival has not been improved in the past 15 years and rejection is a major cause of graft loss, representing at least 12 billion € extra costs per year.

There is a major unmet need: a lack of robust tools to stratify the risk of rejection, graft function decline and graft loss.

To tackle this issue, the EU-TRAIN project aims at developing a risk stratification system in kidney transplantation by integrating multidimensional data from patients’ follow-up.

Our goals
ambitious but realistic

Our main goal is to answer the medical need for a precision risk stratification system in kidney transplant patients:

image GOAL 1

Goal 1:

Identify low- and high-risk kidney transplant patients using invasive and non-invasive biomarkers

image GOAL 2

Goal 2:

Implement blood non-invasive biomarkers to reduce invasive allograft biopsies

image GOAL 3

Goal 3:

Combine biomarker-guided strategy with traditional risk factors to stratify the risk of rejection, response to treatment, long-term allograft loss and allograft function decline

image GOAL 4

Goal 4:

Improve allograft outcomes

How will we achieve
our goals?

  • 1
    Develop an integrated risk-stratification and prognosis system (EU-TRACER)
    in kidney transplantation to improve graft survival
  • 2
    Convert EU-TRACER into clinical actionable information for the clinician:
    - individual risk prediction for 3, 5, 7, 10-year allograft loss
    - in high-risk rejecting patients: probability of response to standard of care
    treatment and impact on outcomes
  • 3
    Evaluate the EU-TRACER system in a “real-life” prospective randomized
    control trial

The project objectives

image Objective 1
1.Build Europe’s largest deep-phenotyped kidney transplant cohort/group by combining existing European databases and infrastructures

image Objective 2
2.Correlate traditional risk factors for allograft rejection and loss & new risk factors defined by cutting-edge technologies based on disease mechanistic

image Objective 3
3.Build a precision risk stratification system (EU-TRACER) that calculates individual risk of allograft rejection and transplant failure based on the smart data integration of the overall spectrum of relevant traditional and new prognostic factors, allowing evidence-based decision making for maintenance of immunosuppressive regimens

image Objective 4
4.Engage European and international authorities to translate our consortium’s findings into European and international policies and thus prevent kidney allograft failure and improve patient survival


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