13 European partners

Role in the project :
- WP1 : Building the EU-TRAIN Transplant Cohort
- WP2 : Sample processing and analysis
- WP3 : Big Data software infrastructure and data homing system
- WP4 : EU-TRAIN multidimensionnal analysis, EU-TRACER
- WP5 : EU-tracer translation to end-users (clinicians and patients)
- WP7 : Management and coordination
- WP8 : Dissemination, IP managament and exploitation

Alexandre LOUPY
Coordinator of the EU-TRAIN Project
Alexandre Loupy (MD, PhD) is a professor of Nephrology and epidemiology working in the kidney transplant department of Necker hospital, Paris France. Alexandre. Loupy is heading the Paris Expertise Centre for organ transplantation in PARCC U970, which includes nephrologists, pathologists, cardiologists, immunologists, bioinformaticians, statisticians, epidemiologists, basic science people and research assistants. Prof. Loupy academic activities are focused on allograft transplantation, rejection, antibodies and populationnal sciences.
The Paris expertise Centre network has been constructed and comprises kidney and heart transplant centres, recently extended to lung and liver.
Alexandre Loupy published 78 publications and has been cited more than 7300 times in different researches.
Maud RACAPÉ, PhD (Project manager)
Olivier AUBERT, MD PhD (Nephrologist)
Jean-Paul DUONG VAN HUYEN, MD PhD (Pathologist)
Francine TACAFRED (technician)
Marc RAYNAUD, PhD student
Role in the project :
- WP1 : Building the EU-TRAIN Transplant Cohort
- WP2 : Sample processing and analysis
- WP4 : EU-TRAIN multidimensionnal analysis, EU-TRACER
- WP5 : EU-tracer translation to end-users (clinicians and patients)
- WP6 : Clinical studies logistics and management
- WP7 : Management and coordination
- WP8 : Dissemination, IP managament and exploitation

Dr Oriol Bestard is the Head of the Kidney Transplant Unit at Bellvitge University Hospital, in Barcelona, Spain and associate Professor of Medicine at University of Barcelona. Dr. Bestard leads the translational transplantation laboratory at the Biomedicine Research Institute of Bellvitge (IDIBELL), which includes Nephrologists, basic scientists such as biologists and biotechnologists. The main field of expertise of Dr Bestard is the study and development of novel non-invasive biological markers of transplant rejection, allograft acceptance and opportunistic infections in transplant patients. Dr Bestard has more than 80 indexed publications in international scientific journals and participates with different International research groups within International research consortiums such as the EU H2020 (BIODRIM) and US-CTOT.
Elena Crespo, PhD (Post-doctoral researcher)
Maria Meneghini, MD (Pre-doctoral researcher)
Marta Jarque, Ms (PhD student)
Alba Torijo, Ms (PhD student)
Núria Bolaños, Ms (Technician)
Gema Cerezo, Ms (Technician)
Role in the project :
- WP1 : Building the EU-TRAIN Transplant Cohort
- WP2 : Sample processing and analysis
- WP4 : EU-TRAIN multidimensionnal analysis, EU-TRACER
- WP5 : EU-tracer translation to end-users (clinicians and patients)
- WP6 : Clinical studies logistics and management
- WP7 : Management and coordination
- WP8 : Dissemination, IP managament and exploitation
Duska Dragun, MD, is a full Professor of Medicine at the Medical Faculty of Charité University of Medicine, Berlin, and a chief attending of the Department of Nephrology and Critical Care Medicine, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Vichow.
Beside her clinical and research appointment, she is founder and the director of Charité and Berlin Institute for Health Clinical Scientist Program supporting 120 clinician scientist fellows among all medical and surgical disciplines fostering translational biomedical research with structured molecular medicine curriculum and protected time for research. She is also founding director of the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) Biomedical Innovation Academy.
Prof. Dragun is recipient of numerous national and international awards in nephrology, cardiovascular and transplantation medicine for her research achievements as well as awards for her society engagement exemplified by “Germany - Land of Ideas” award for the Clinical Scientist Program at Charité. During her career, she has published more than 120 articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Klemens Budde, MD, is Deputy Head of the Department of Nephrology at Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany. In 2006 he became full professor for “Pharmacodynamics on Immunosuppression after Renal Transplantation”. After receiving his medical degree from Tübingen University, Germany, Dr. Budde completed training in Nephrology at Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nürnberg and subsequently at the Charité, Humboldt University. Dr. Budde also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Nephrology at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He possesses a board certification in Internal Medicine, in Nephrology and a Certification for Hypertensiology. He is a board member in several commissions of national and international societies.
Prof. Budde’s main research interest include kidney transplantation, eHealth and genetic diseases of the kidney. He is the author or co-author of more than 400 journal articles, and has lectured nationally and internationally on topics in transplantation.

Klemens BUDDE
Rusan Catar
Aurélie Philippe
Role in the project :
- WP1 : Building the EU-TRAIN Transplant Cohort
- WP2 : Sample processing and analysis
- WP4 : EU-TRAIN multidimensionnal analysis, EU-TRCAER
- WP5 : EU-tracer translation to end-users (clinicians and patients)
- WP6 : Clinical studies logistics and management
- WP7 : Management and coordination
- WP8 : Dissemination, IP managament and exploitation

Carmen Lefaucheur is a Professor of Nephrology at Université Paris VII and at the Department of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation at the Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris, France.
Prof. Lefaucheur is a key opinion leader in the transplantation field and she received the New Key Opinion of the Transplantation Society (TTS) Award in 2013; in addition to that she is chair of the Paris Expertise Centre, partner of the laboratory of Excellence Transplantex, member of the international Banff allograft classification conferences committee and of the French national committee of clinical practice guidelines in organ transplantation.
Her academic activity is focused on a major turning point in the field of transplantation, the mechanisms of action of these antibodies and the development of specific therapies of antibody-mediated approach and a translational research in organ transplantation, based on the connection of immunological, histological, molecular and clinical knowledge.
Jean Luc Taupin
Christophe Legendre
Denis Glotz
Didier Bouton
Maxime Brun
Eric Vicaut
Ivana Milovanovic
Sofiane Djaileb
Philippe Gallula
Role in the project :
- WP2 : Sample processing and analysis
- WP8 : Dissemination, IP managament and exploitation

Harald Heidecke, PhD, studied Chemistry at the Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg and Pharmacy at the Free University Berlin. He wrote his PhD thesis in pharmaceutical biochemistry at the Free University Berlin. In 1998, he founded the CellTrend GmbH and is the owner and chief executive officer (CEO) of CellTrend. The main focus of CellTrend is the determination of antibodies against G-Protein-Coupled-Receptors (GPCR). CellTrend has a Quality management system. CellTrend is strictly adhere to the rules of Good Manufacture Practice (GMP, FDA).
Harald Heidecke is the inventor of sixteen patents and has published 36 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Melanie Hoffmeister
Kathrin Kummel
Role in the project :
- WP7 : Management and coordination
- WP8 : Dissemination, IP managament and exploitation

Thiên-Ly PHAM
European project manager, Thiên Pham has a Diplôme d’Ingénieur (five year degree) from Ecole Centrale de Lille, a top French general engineering school. She is specialised in biomedical engineering with an MSc in Medical Diagnostics degree in England, and a PhD in medical imaging in France.
She worked at LNE/G-Med as a Certification Project Manager for in vitro diagnostic medical devices. She went into the field of international cooperation in research and higher education and worked as a scientific officer at the French Embassy in Sweden for two years, then a European affairs officer at Inserm.
She managed the subproject “Cognitive architectures” within the Human Brain Project, a European Commission Future and Emerging Technologies Flagship for 3 years at CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission). She joined Inserm Transfert in 2016 and is currently managing two FP7 projects.
Dahlia Tsakiropoulos (manager)
Role in the project :
- WP2 : Sample processing and analysis
- WP8 : Dissemination, IP managament and exploitation

Dr. John Cardone is a Lead Scientist at Oxford Immunotec Ltd. He obtained his PhD at the MRC Centre for Transplantation in Kings College London, within the laboratory of Claudia Kemper, investigating the link between Complement and Cell-mediated Adaptive Immunity. Following a post-doctoral post investigating antigen-specific T-Regulatory cells in Autoimmune-Hepatitis, he started working for Oxford Immunotec. He is currently involved in research and development activities, mainly relating to Oxford Immunotec’s Tuberculosis and Transplant diagnostic portfolios but he is also actively supporting the corporate development department of the business.
Ian Durrant
Role in the project :
- WP1 : Building the EU-TRAIN Transplant Cohort
- WP2 : Sample processing and analysis
- WP3 : Big Data software infrastructure and data homing system
- WP4 : EU-TRAIN multidimensionnal analysis, EU-TRCAER
- WP5 : EU-tracer translation to end-users (clinicians and patients)
- WP6 : Clinical studies logistics and management
- WP7 : Management and coordination
- WP8 : Dissemination, IP managament and exploitation

Sophie Brouard (MD, PhD) leads a team of around 50 researchers at the ITUN. She joined ITUN in 2000 as Director of research (DR1, CNRS). Since 2011, she has been Director and Coordinator of the CENTAURE national RTRS network. She has extensive experience in immuno-intervention through her contract with the Nantes Hospital since 2007. She is a key leader in transplant immunology and has large experience in biomarkers. She has participated to establish three companies, Tcland Expression (2002), Effimune (2008) and oseimmunotherapeutics (2016).
She is co-author of 11 patents (2 licenced) and she has a demonstrated capacity in translating basic science into industry with licenses in the field of biomarkers and immunotherapy. She has been a partner in 7 European projects, 4 previous: Indices of tolerance, RISET, BIO DrIM, TRANSLINK and 3 ongoing VISICORT as a WP leader, EU-TRAIN and TRAIN.
Richard Danger
Magali Giral
Pierre-Antoine Gourraud
Pierrick Guerif
Amélie Guisseau
Emmanuelle Papuchon
Role in the project :
- WP1 : Building the EU-TRAIN Transplant Cohort
- WP3 : Big Data software infrastructure and data homing system
- WP8 : Dissemination, IP managament and exploitation

David KALFON has a Bachelor of Mathematics and a master's degree in computer science at Dauphine University. He was IT director in the Children Hospital for 6 years , and put in place Account System, Payroll, Laboratory, DRG System and Billing System.
He has founded a software company in Healthcare System and run it for 17 years. He has provided DRG, Coding and Billing System for many private hospitals in France, in Switzerland, and Morocco.
He is leading today as Senior Director an Engineering team working on Hospital Financial Solutions at Cerner France. He has adapted a financial Solution (DRG, Coding and Billing) connected to Cerner US software for different country. This connection to Cerner Software has been awarded by Research Industry.
He is a member of management team at Cerner France.
Coming soon
Role in the project :
- WP1 : Building the EU-TRAIN Transplant Cohort
- WP4 : EU-TRAIN multidimensionnal analysis, EU-TRCAER
- WP5 : EU-tracer translation to end-users (clinicians and patients)
- WP6 : Clinical studies logistics and management
- WP8 : Dissemination, IP managament and exploitation

Jean Villard is professor of clinical and transplant immunology at the Geneva University Hospital, head of the transplant immunology unit and the National Reference Laboratory for Histocompatibility (UITT / LNRH). After a complete clinical training in internal medicine, he specialized in Immunology and Allergology. In addition to its activity in the HLA laboratory and its clinical activity, he is involved as PI in several research projects in the field of transplant immunology and immunogenetics. Jean Villard has also undertaken at the national level the reform of the Swiss system of allocation of renal transplants as president of the medical committee of the foundation Swisstransplant.
Jean Villard is also co-organizer the 2015 EFI conference in Geneva.
Yassine Bouatou – Clinical and Research Fellow
Karine Hayada – Head of the Kidney Transplant Program
Samia Hurst – Professor, Director of the Institute for Ethics, History, and the Humanities
François Girardin – Associate Physician at the medical direction
Role in the project :
- WP8 : Dissemination, IP managament and exploitation

Thierry BERNEY
Prof. Thierry Berney, MD, MSc, FEBS is Professor of Surgery in HUG (UNIGE) and head of the Division of Transplantation. He graduated from the UNIGE and specialised in Visceral Surgery in Switzerland. Further specialisation in Brussels, Belgium and Miami, Florida, made him a specialist in Pancreatic, Hepatobiliary and Gastrointestinal Surgery and Transplantation. He currently serves as the Past-President of ESOT. He is the author of more than 250 articles and book chapters.
Stefan Schneeberger, ESOT President
Annalisa Ponchia, ESOT CEO
Oriol Bestard, ESOT Councilor
Role in the project :
- WP6 : Clinical studies logistics and management
- WP7 : Management and coordination

Sarhan Yaiche
Sarhan Yaiche (MSc) is the ECRIN European Correspondent for France. He has more than 10 years of experience in clinical research in the public and private sector. He has worked on different international studies in different specialities (e.g. oncology, geriatrics, psychiatry, neurology…). Sarhan is coordinating ECRIN’s activities for multinational clinical trials with French sponsor and providing support to national clinical investigators developing clinical studies and projects in several European countries. He is also providing support to foreign investigators and sponsors wishing to undertake clinical research studies in France.
Jacques Demotes – Director General of ECRIN
Luc Wasungu – European Correspondent for France
Amélie Michon – European Correspondent for France
Alicja Szofer-Araya – Administrative and Finance Manager
Mihaela Matei – Legal & Regulatory Officer
Role in the project :
- WP

Pierre-Antoine Gourraud
Pierre-Antoine Gourraud (PhD) is Professor at the Nantes University, Hospital Practitioner at Nantes University Hospital and Associate professor at the Department of Neurology of the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), USA since 2015. After an M.P.H. received from University Paris XI in 2002, he got his Ph.D. in Immunogenetic Epidemiology from Toulouse University in 2005. He relocated to USA to perform a postdoctoral research in Neuro-Immunogenetics of Multiple Sclerosis at UCSF in 2009 and joined the UCSF faculty in 2011. Prof. Gourraud developed bioinformatics tools for the study of immunogenetic markers, he performed numerous genetic association studies on various diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis (incl. for HLA and KIR genes)), in various ancestral backgrounds. He developed software dedicated to statistical genetics and designed algorithms to support decision making for the treatment of haematological diseases and Multiple Sclerosis. support to national clinical investigators developing clinical studies and projects in several European countries. He is also providing support to foreign investigators and sponsors wishing to undertake clinical research studies in France. Luc has worked in clinical research for 7 years as clinical project manager and clinical scientist both in academic and industrial world. Luc holds a PhD in Biological Sciences and has worked, prior to his clinical research career, as a researcher and cell biologist for 11 years.
Olivia Rousseau